my cup runneth over.

a·bun·dance /əˈbəndəns/ noun

1. a very large quantity of something.

surplus. overflow. endless. abundance is such a powerful word. even when i say it, my senses become invigorated. i believe that abundance, like almost anything else, starts within. if we first have an abundance mindset and truly believe that we deserve life’s abundance, we become poster children of abundance. it’s law that we attract what we are. and this isn’t limited to abundance, as this applies to lack as well. any associations with lack will call forth more areas in which we will lack.

it’s law.


i believe that if more of us understood how powerful our thoughts and words are, we’d be mindful of what we choose to give energy and attention to. we live in a society that forces us to constantly engage with others somehow and in a multitude of ways. we are virtually coerced into consuming just about anything as well. but, we are obligated with protecting our vessel. this means we bear the responsibility of choosing the conversations and spaces we show up in and how we show up. we bear the responsibility of protecting our heart and mind spaces. this may or may not provoke feelings of confusion or even abandonment within people you love and those that genuinely love you, too. that’s part of the challenge with living an intentional life. it demands reverence to not only God/Source, but to yourself. your needs. your desires. your boundaries.

in this new phase of life i’m growing into being the best version of myself. i’m not perfect (and, i don’t want to be), but i’m becoming the person i always knew i was destined to be; the person that was there all along waiting for me to choose her and to love her ferociously. that’s an added bonus to having an abundance mindset. you decide to accept that you’re an extension of God and His universe, and you also have access to His richness. not some of it, but all of it. the onus is now on you to accept that you are an amazing being, and you’re equipped with everything you need to prosper in this lifetime. it becomes virtually impossible to not expect the very best from every day you’re blessed to experience. this mindset is the game changer.


but your thoughts and words, though. they are the foundation of all abundance and they shape your experiences more than anything. in hindsight, i’d always applied the art of allowing my thoughts to fuel my intended experiences. the resistance i occasionally faced was only by virtue of getting in my own way. as humans we will trick ourselves into believing that sheer will power is the end all be all to material attainment. if that were the case, there’d be no need for God. do you understand? if life was just a matter of putting forth our best effort, a lot more of us would be successful, at peace, and overall happy. but many of us aren’t. it’s because despite your best effort, you’ve got to give God room to be God. you’ve got to surrender and entrust Him with doing what He does best. what’s even more important is, an abundant life is one that is rooted in gratitude and faith.

on this new journey within, daily i force myself to acknowledge the many ways i experience God’s blessings and miracles. whether small or grand, i remain in the spirit of gratitude and allow the universe to cloak me in favor. getting here has taken time, though. i have literally challenged myself with unlearning many things, and have retrained my mind, my heart, and my focus (and, i still have a ways to go). i thank God in advance of the prayer fulfilled in total faith that He will deliver. i’ve already accepted that i’m intended to experience the fullness of life; and so, i will. my only job is to wait patiently and to remain faithful.

the formula is easy. plant the seed of intention + watch God work + thank Him = infinite abundance.

i claim this for myself today and always.

i claim it for you in the meantime.

- mytenofcups x


midtown maven.


the untethered soul.